Thursday 28 February 2013

Horid Henry's Perfect Day.

Horrid Henry's Perfect Day.

My book is called Horrid Henry's Perfect Day. The book is about a boy called Henry but hes horrid and thats why they call him Horrid Henry. Horrid Henry has a little brother called Peeter. But hes the opposite of Horrid Henry Peeter is a good boy and they call him Perfect Peeter. Ond day they go in the car and they go to the fair but there mum sed that only peeter can go because hes been a good boy but henry cant go. So henry has to be good to his little brother but peeter doesent know that henry will be good to him. So henrbees good to his mum and dad and his little brother. When Peeter finds out that Henry bees good to him Peeter doesent want him to be good to any one. He just wants to get him in trouble. But Henry gets to go to the fair at the end.

By Mim

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