Friday 8 February 2013


Today in school we have been learning about gasses and and we were doing a inveastagation about if air waise anything.

We did the test again because our teacher popped one of the baloons by axident. and our class mate Ayesha popped the baloon in a unfair test.

The stuff that we did differently about the test when we did it again was that when we used the ruler kept on falling and wabbaling because when we stuck the baloons on the ruler the salatape wasent very strong. So we decided that we would yse a scale and we changed the jar and we changed the pencil because it was too low.

This is what happend we stuck the baloons on the ruler then we stuck a pencil at the bottom of the ruler but the pencil was too low so we replaced a jar where the pencil was.But the next day we took the jar out from the bottom of the ruler and chose scales.

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