Friday, 6 July 2012

Sports week!

                          Sports Week!
This week has been full with fun and happiness. First on Monday Mr Ellis was ill and Mrs McDonough was teaching us. We first sorted out the teams for the week I was in the Vipers team. Then we had our break after break we played hockey we were in the semi-finals but we lost penalties. Later we had lunchtime next we had PE with Ben we did athletics. It was really fun. Then we did art we painted our money containers. On Tuesday we had Doge ball then we had break after break we did throwing different items like bean bag, tennis ball and basketball. Basketball was the hardest. Then we did much more.

On Wednesday we had sports week which was really exciting and fun filled. Yesterday on Thursday we did our mini-Olympics with reception. they had fun so did we. This week has been really fun and exciting.

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