Wednesday, 24 April 2013

my book revew alex

           Shaman King

The book I was reading was"Shaman king" this book I realy enjoyed espcialy the part when Ryu broke the tomb stone of a samuri and this kid owned the samuri.
This book moved me In many ways and I definetly recomend this book as I choose this book to be one of my favourets after BLEACH shonan jump manga, DEATH NOTE shonan jump manga again and finally my favouret is "Hunter x Hunter".However I dont like the TV series of Shaman king because of the voices I might still watch the TV series but I much more prefer the book.

I recomend buying Death note, bleach and hunter x hunter (By alex)

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Today Roman , a boy who came from France, came to our class. He is going to teach us some french. Sometimes I talk in french with my dad because he often goes to france to get stock for his shop. I know SOME french not all of it because I do not go france often.
I am going to have LOTS of fun!
by Haleema 

Author: Roald Dhal

Matilda is a girl who is born in really mean and unkind family.

Dream on Daisy!
Author:Jenny Oldfield
About:Daisy going on a school trip and loads more!
Raiting:4 stars
You should read this book because it is really entertaining and fun it makes you want you want to read on try it!   

Friday, 12 April 2013

Careers Week
This week is Careers Week at Mersey Vale we have had a loads of visitors and had some very intersting jobs.Iwant to be a teacher because The first day of careers week was fun we started with a visitor called Raesa. She's training to be a docter at manchester univercity.

We also had a lesson about what we do at univercity with a guest called Professor Fluffy. He first taught us about a day at univercity and how you nearls every day go to lectures very early morning. Then we learnt how we can budget our shopping items and pick either the the expesive yet more tasty stuff or the cheap yet not that tasty stuff.

Thankyou for reading this. by Ayesha   

careers week

careers week!

 This week in our school there was a really exiting week named Careers week.We looked at all kinds of careers and jobs. I did not even know half of the jobs. It was SO good. Monday was fabulous because 8 or 9 people came togeather it was fun. We were able to talk to all the visitors in private and we were able to ask lots of questions.

This week we had duzzens of visitors. I think the best visitor was Aisha Mohammed. She is a highschool teacher and she is very pretty.

carears week

This week people have bin telling about there jobs 12 one of the people was a deizner.

carees' "ifrastructure" week

Carees' week

This week year5 we have been learning about other people's carees'(builders).
A person called Frank Noris came into school, her magestie's inspector , and told us about his life sory if you want to learn more about his career's then dont exit this file.
If you didn't leave then I say "good gender".
First of all I would like to say there are not many inspectors, by the way let me just say that Frank is not her magesty's inspector any more , he wanted to be a footballer but he was week (no offence) , wasn't a very smart child ( again no offence). And then as he grew up Frank was playing sports and one of his lungs burst so he left school for a year and then came back and then he met a realy nice history teacher , who persuaded him to work his hardest ,meanwhil his brother was very succesful,and then Frank became a banker. And then went back to school did some exams and her magesty elected him to work at ofsted.
careers week!
This week in our school we have been having careers week.Careers week is when we find out about different jobs and about university.In this week we have had loads of  visitors come in and tell us about  their career.
It was so exiting because loads of people came and there was loads of varieties.Also it gave us  new ideas of what we are going to be when we are older.
These are some of the jobs that people had ,interior designer,PE teacher,enterprize manager,doctor,teacher,careers advisor,family advisor,software develepor and a designer draft engineer.
by Aamna

Careers week at Merseyvale primary school

Careers week

This weak at Mersey vale has been one of the most best week i have ever had in my hole life even the other merseyvale boys and girls must of had the most best career week ever.Well you might be thinkingwhat is careers week well careers week means your life some people think that careers mean someones life job but if you cheak some wesites then it should tell you. Lots of people came to school and some where nurses and some people where training to be a doctor and they said it takes five years but then you start and you still train a bit so about five years and that is a long time to become a doctor. 
careers week
This week was careers week it was fab because We had loads of visitors they were really nice they told us all about there jobs such as you have to go to train to be a doctor for 5 to 7 years.
We did a assembly about what we did this week  we did mimes about the visitors that came it was feally fun.
by aminah :)
Careers Week
This week has been carrers week, It's been very interesting. There is a viraety of jobs. We have had many visitors to our school, telling us about their previous jobs and their job (jobs) that they are doing right now.
We have also been learning about University and what It's like to be at University.
by rehbah

Careers week

Careers week

This week year five have being learning about many careers
one of the careers you mostly think boys do is engineering but female people can do it to.
The one that I liked the most is Gemma because we got to use this website called Hackety Hack.
You should download it because its free and good.


I think that to be a nurse like Anthony is a good job because you helping the enviroment.

careers week

Careers week
Today in careers week there have been LOTS of visitors who told us what sort of careers they've had. We asked them LOTS of questions of which they gave answers and expainations to. Even the old mayors wife came to tell us all about her job. She told us being a mayoress is not her only job!

We also had an assembly about careers week where every class had to tell everyone (including parent as there were parents there too!) about what they had done all week with their class and the visitors.

Careers week

Careers week
This week in careers we had many vistors come in to talk about there life. We had Liz who fixed roofs and pipes i really enjoyed learning about her she is very kind to me and very polite i thought she was a nice lady.
Then yesterday a school nurse came his name was antony he came into the class room he handed out some sheets that had lots of questions on that we had to answer he told use there are no right or wrong answer.
Today we had a software deloper her name was Jemma i thought she was quite intresting to listen to and learn about her i think i want to do that job when im older because i like working on computers.
We had Beth and Kerry beth was an enggering and kerry was a drawing so beth can copy it and she can do what she needs to do and also its faster because its she could put it on the floor and it cam blow away so if beth needs it she can ask kerry and kerry can show it her instead of being ruined.
By olivia

career week

In class this week we have been learning about careers and jobs. Lots of adults came our class with jobs  they told us about their career and what kind of jobs they do.

  A nurese came called anthony he is a boy. He works in a school as a nurse the skills you need to be a nurse are communicating skills,  paintence and science.

A sports coach came our class
called james he work in a secondry school. He needs lots of skills; computer skills, communicating skills and sports skills and more.


careers week........h........a.......m....z....a....h.....

Careers Week Mohammed 12.4.13

Careers Week

This week we had careers week careers week means that people come to our school and talk to us about their careers we had a person coming in. He was a P.E. teacher and then we had a intirior designer a software develipor a doctor a secondary school teacher and a nurse.We wrote down facts about their jobs and the skills they be a doctor you need to go to university and the skills you need are comunication language maths english.

The GCSE'S that you need are A levels a dagree and O levels. O levels are A levels but in the olden days.

Careers week
This week in year five was careers week .It was fabulous.We have had loads of visitors came to school to talk about their life story.We had engineers,interior designers,school inspectors,doctors,software developers and much more come in and talk about their life.
This week has been great!I wish that it could all start again!

our careers

In class five we had some visitors all came and talked about there different careers also to let you know my best job i feel like doing is a soft wear enginer.

The person that inspired me to be a soft wear enginer is a person called jann.I wanted to be soft wear enginer bec ause you have time to talk to your friends and stuff.


Careers' week

In carees' week we have been learning about carees', university and about things we need to qualify different jobs. We had loads of visitors and they told us about their job and career. We learnt in university that it's not always about you also have some fun and you don't have one year in university always.

Some people have to be in university for five years also you can go to university at any age. We met people that were training to be doctors. We  also met softwhere developers and even Frank Norris. He used to be a Queen's inspector even though he was ill for a year also there are only two-hundered of them.