Thursday, 21 June 2012


hello again today i am here to tell you about something spectacular.A lady called Sandra Scott cmae in to talk to us about disabilitys. The first thing she did with us was sigh language at first I found it a bit complecated but soon I improved. She also told us that in high school she ued to get beaten up, called names and lots more horrible things you could imagine just for being disabled. Can you believe that?

Thanks alot from M.W 


Amani's party

Last week on the 14th of June our class had a fair well party. It was exciting but also sad. Amani is one of our bff''s. I was almost in tears. When it was the party we played some games. First we played dumb sharades. I won the game. Next we played treasure hunt.Us and our friends organized treasure hunt. Team one won.

By Aisha and Maisie.

Our visitor yesterday + ipods and ipads

Yesterday on 20th of June a visitor came called Sandra Scott and she was here to talk to us about disabilaties.
She gave us a sheet of paper which had really confusing writing. It was to show how dyslexia feels like.
Also our school bought ipods and ipads for learning and fun. We have all been having loads of fun with them aswell. We had loads of fun!

Sandra Scott

In class 5 we have been learning about disabilities. One of them is dyslexia, we had a story written in braille it was extremely confusing. we had to try and read it. everyone felt very uncomfortable at the end we had a little chat about dwarfism. Saira shared a true heart-breaking story about a dwarf. There were two people who fell in love, one day the man went out with his friends to a pub, his Friend was talking about the mans wife. so a few months later they broke up.

Here is a picture of Sandra Scott...

mini olympics!

Class five are inventing an mini olympics for our buddies in Reception, the five rings in the olympics reprisent 5 continents and Asia is the best the team in are class not in real life. Anyway we are making mini olympics

by Hassan and Abubakr

we've got ipods and ipads

Hello everybody.

We've got some ipads and ipods. You should get one because they are awesome and you can download games on them. there easy to use you can use a dictornary and put picture as your backround. thats all I know about the ipod/pads


Mini olympics

In year five we are making an mini olympics for our buddies. We did it in groups we made to sports in the mini olymipics one is called four technique race and one is called hoola jump race.

By: Sultan and Ali

Mini - Olympics

This week Year five have been making events for the Reception children and we called it Mini Olympics. The Reception children will love it. We hope they will parcitipate in the events. These events are going to be so fun.


i pods and sandra

Today my class Y5 have Ipods and Ipads thhere so cool!!!!!! I've got an Ipod as well i got lots of games on it as well sandra scott come into are school she is a dwarf  it was sad because she got hurt and she got spat on because she was a dwarf she has a boddy of a 7 year old .


Hello again and today I am going to talk to you about something spectacular.
A lady called Sandra Scott came in to talk to us about disability. The first thing she talked to us about was sign language I struggled a bit at first but soon improved. After that she talked to us about her disability and told us that when she was in high school she used to get called names, beaten up and lots more horrible things you could imagine just for being disabled!

Thanks again from M.W