Thursday, 6 December 2012

Iam ill

I am at home ill my stomarc hurts whenever I walk . I am in complete agony and  paracetamol won't  do anything  I am so anoyed  that i can't come in and pratice the play

this blog is by Joshua

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Mathletics highscore

Mathletics is a website that helps with maths. when you go online you play againest people around the world. Or play againest a computer, people in your school and people in your class. Also, you can play on your own. When you play online there are ten levels (you can choose) they test you on different things. At home I played againest the world it took ages to beat my highscore. Finally I beat it.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

at space club we saw the ring nebular. You have to look in the telescope at the centre of it and then you can see the ring nebular. We also saw jupiter and i spotted jupiter. other than that we saw a double cluster. the double cluster wa going around each other like magnets

Space club

Space club  is amazing best club ever!We saw double clustar,Nebula,Galaxies and stars.

space club

Yesterday I looked through the school telescope.I enjoyed looking through the telescope and looking at different stars.I really enjoy space club.And always have a great  time there.

by sufiyan

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Our vist from Caryl Hart

Caryl Hart

On Thursday the 22nd November 2012, a special author Caryl Hart came to vist our amazing school. It was FANTASTIC!!!

When she had finished introdusing herself she asked years 4,5 and 6 to write our version of  'Albie and the pirates or Albie and the dragon'.Me and my partner haleema wrote Albie and the pirates. 



caryl hart

caryl hart
on thursday caryl hart ,a author, came into our school and gave us activities to do. i wrote a story called dragon chaos which i still haven't finished!


hello people we have sean an athor

crimsmase play


christmas production

In this term we have doing a play called Mary Popins

Christmas Production

In this term we are haveing our play 



On Friday 23rd 2012 , Caryl Hart a famous story  writer came to  our school. It was a really good experience. She told us about herself and family. She said ''most of my books our to do with my children. Caryl told us stories.She told us to create our own stories so we did,mine was called Albie's pirate adventure.

mary poppins

In merseyvale year 3,4,5 and 6 are learning a play called Mary poppins. I am a pirate we have to sing lots of songs.All are songs are really disney songs.

What have I done this week?

This week our school have been practising our school play and we have enjoted it.Also there was an author that came to our school her name is carly hart.

our christmas production

Our christmas production is going on quite well. I know my line and part of a song with out looking at it. It is called bare neccesities. I can't wait for the christmas fair.

our teacher mr ellis has showed us a cool new wbsite called incedibox it is ace.
thank you for reading my post


Today we had a whole school practice.We sang lots of songs it was great.
by sufiyan

Thursday, 22 November 2012

lastnight (space club) was awsome. We saw the moon, jupiter, double custer and the galaxies. The telescope was big and phillip bought a telescope with him. We could see jupiter without the telescope. It was like a little star.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012


                            My idul job???

When I am older I would like to be a Quantum physicist?
I would like to be a Quantum physicist because it is fun?
Male and female can do Quantum physicist?
If you would want to be a Quantum physicist you have to do lots and lots of math?
There are no barriers in my way?

By: Amar

MY ideal job!

                                                             MY ideal job!
I’d really like to be a doctor because I would like to help people. To become a doctor I need to be good at reading, science, math’s, English and ict.
My barrier to be a doctor is that there are more males than females.
My ideal job
I’d liked to be a nursery cooking teacher when I’m older. My job is cooking teacher with little children. I like it because I enjoy being with little children.
You will need to be good at writing and saying instructions, because you are going tell people what to make.

My ideal job



When I grow up I want to be a  fashion designer .most fashion designers are women but the most famous are men the only fashion designers I know are women. The following I know Vera Wang and Kim kloe kourtny kylie and Kendall kardashin

 as you can see this is my report on what I want to be when i grow up



What job id like to do when im older

I would like to be a lawyer so i can help people to say they have broken the law by doing something wrong like murdering some body. I can help people by saying that this person has pruth that you have broken the law and this person has witnesses as well.
To be a lawyer I will need a good education and a lot of experience. For my study I will need good English.
My ideal job

When I am older Iwould like to be a vet.
I really enjoy playing with my cat and hamster and looking after my goldfishes .I like grooming my pets, and taking care of them when they are not feeling too good.
Once, at home, my hamster cage was open .My hamster went down the stairs in to the kitchen and under the cooker. I had to help her to come out and put her back in her cage.
This job is more of a woman’s job rather than a man’s – in America 80% of new vets are women (BBC news website).



What job I want when I’m older?                7th November

1.  When I’m older I’m I want to make games.
2.  When I’m older I want to be a layer.
3.  When I’m older I want to own a restraint.
4.  When I’m older I want to be an actor and make films
5.  When I’m older I want to be an arcatect.

1.  want to make games because... (my opinion) I’m good at maths, songs and emotion.
2.  When I’m older I want to be a layer because... (my opinion) I’m good at learning about law, defence and friendly arguing.
3.  When I’m older I want to own a restraint because... Like cooking tasting, management and I know I’m good at cooking actually.
4.  When I’m older I want to be an actor and make films because... I’m good with songs and good with emotions.
5.  When I’m older I want to be an arcatect because... I like desining things.

My Ideal Job

I’d like to be a midwife that helps babies when they are not feeling well. I don’t care whether it’s a girl job or a boy job. I know  I have to study very carefully.

by haleema

my ideal job

What job I want to do when I grow up?

When I am older I want to be a pharmacist because I want to make medicines and help people who are sick.  This is a girl’s job because when I have been to a pharmacy I have all ways seen girls working there I have never seen a boy working there. I will need to study on science and how peoples bodies work also I will need to be clever at maths. 


ideal job

My ideal job!!!!!!     Awais
I’d like to be goalkeeper
This job is for men
To be a goalkeeper you need to be tall, strong and good at catching
 There are no barriers blocking me because most goalkeepers are boys
I hope this comes true because i have been dreaming to do this job  
Today in my class we were learning about sign language. Here is a picture of the symbols We were also learning about what job we would like when we grow up. this is a report about what i will be when i grow up
When I grow up I would like to be a doctor. I want to be a doctor because I want to know what happens to our bodies when we get ill. This job is normally a man’s job because whenever I go to the doctors I always see men who work there. I will need to study and experience on ICT, maths and English because those subjects are important. To be a doctor you can learn more about what happens anywhere in your bodies when you are ill. The thing that is stopping me doing that job is catching people’s illness.


my job when i older?

When I am older I will like to be a .s.w.a.t. I will need to be good at using strength, speed,  gun licence and team work.  It's easier to get this job when you are male because it's easier to get ther strength.

what i want to be when i grow up

When I grow up I want be a barrister. I want to be a barrister because I am good at asking question. Something that might stop me from being a barrister is that it might be too popular. If I want to be a barrister I need to concentrate and pass my bar exams. I think this job is for male and female.

by sufiyan

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

On Tuesday our lovely Football team went on a Football trip to play a school named White Hill Primary School. We went on thier ground to play. When we got thier Dawud was doing streching with us and running up and down the pitch for some Exersise. 

Next we got on the pitch and played. Ehsan was a defender. Deven was a defender and also Harish was a defender. Aamar,Aamaan and Dowud were in mid field Altogether Aqib our Goal keeper let one goal in and the other team let in 3 Also Aqib saved four shots. So that left us up with 3-1 with Aamars Hatric. Hip Hip Hurray!
Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!

On tuesday our school football team went to play football againest Whitehill Primary School. We won 3-1 Amar in year 4 scored a hatrick he played on the right wing he was amazing. He got picked for the vote of the team.

Ahsan got picked for the managers man of the match. He played so good, it was as if he was a strong brick. He was a defender. I was the goal keeper for the team I saved 4 shots but I let one goal in.

Friday, 19 October 2012

five things we did in the week

Today we had our first class assembly.We had loads of children sharing there things with us.We had Haleema sharing her sparkly eid clothes,Hamzah with his pen collection.Sufiyan with his cool spy glasses and Suliman with his fast car!

We also went swimming on thursday it was really fun we were splashing loads of water and next week we have got fun day were we get to do whatever we want!

Our amazing day

Amazing day

On Friday we had a  sharing assembly and when i just sat down it was a eco comitee meeting and it as epic amazing.But when I came back they all ready took photos, this is my car I brought in:


Good by guy's,and this is from Amar!!!

Our Class Asembly

Today in year five it was our asembly some people in our class had to share some interesing stuff. here aere some people who shared. Sufiyan shared a pair of cool spy glasses, Hamzah shared his pen collection, And Sulyman shad his fast mocontrol car.


Five Things I Did At School This Week

five things i did at school this week

our class assembly

Today it was my class`s sharing assembly we picked six people.

Our Class Sharing Assembly

Today it was our class's assembly.It is called sharing assembly and it was really exiting.Here are some photos by abbubakker,mohammed and hanfa.

by ayesha

Our Class Assembly

To day in year five it was our first class assembly.It was so much fun!Here s some pictures: We had Sufiyan with his cool spy glasses,Hamzah with his pens,Haleema with her bueatiful Eid cloths,Sulayman with is grey,fast lamborgini and amar with his yellow lamborgini.  please comment !!!!!       enjoy the photos :) :) :)  By Abubakker  :):)

Our class Assembly

Today it was our class' assembly.It was our first one!It was so fun and exyiting! Would you like to see what it was like? Here are some photograghs that Abubakker,Mohammed and Hanfa took during the assembly:


Our Sharing Assembly

Today we had a sharing assembly. It was our turn to share. Six people were chosen to share something that was important to them. Here are some pictures of the sharers: 

Our Class Assembly

Today was our class' was really fun! Here are some photos :

It was really fun !!!!

by haleema

Our Class Assembly

Today we had our first class assembly and it was cool we had Sufiyan with his cool ,sleak,spy glasses.

Today in math we where on a website called Woodland coordinates you can find it on google.

On thursday we went swimming with Mr.Ellis

have a fun weekend


Our Class Assembly

Today me and the class had sharing assembly.
These are the people who shared:

Haleema and her dress, Sufiyan wih his stefescope, Amar with his lomboghini, Sulaiman with his lamboghini and last but not least hamzah's pen collection.  Also we learnt about coordinates. Here is a link to show you the website.

Our Class Assembly

Today our class year 5 shared in assembly. They brought in very nice things to share in front of the school. Here are some photos of the things they brought in.

Sufiyan with his cool, spy glasses, Sulaiman with his super fast lamborgini gallardo, Haleema with her sparkly Eid dress, Hamzah with his big collection of pens.
 Please commet and make suggestions. I hope you enjoy the photos :) :) :)

By Aqib

Our Sharing Assembly

Our Class Assembly

Today we had our first class assembly of this year. Many children brought interesting things for us to share. Here are some pictures of a few of our assembly sharers:

These photos show Haleema showing her shiny Eid clothes, Sufiyan with his cool, spy glasses, and Hamzah's stylish pens.

We loved sharing our things and we hope you enjoy sharing them here on our blog.

Don't forget to comment on what you like or make suggestions about things you'd like to see.

Have a fun weekend!

Mr Ellis

Friday, 12 October 2012



 We have been learning about instructions and what makes good instructions and these are some of the things that makes good instructions:

technical words
inperative verbs

these are only some of the words you will discover there are more!

Best instructions

  • connectives
  • adverbs
  • nouns
  • 1st
  • 2nd
  • 3rd
  • 4th
  • 5th
  • 6th
  • 7th
  • 8th
  • 9th
how to write clear instructions!

  • use bossy verbs!
  • use connectives!
  • use conjunctions!
  • use adjectives!
  • use precise words!
  • use bullet points and numbers!
  • use punctuation!

Good things that you find in Instructions

  • Connectives
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs
  • Bossy verbs
  • Sound effects
  • Short sentences
  • Time conectives
  • Nowns
  • Conjunctions
  • Puncuation
  • Powerfull verbs
  • Description
  • 1st 2nd 3rd...
  • Bullet points

Today we learned about insructions it was so cool!!!!!!!!!!!

What we did was we highlighted a peice of paper which was about making raspberry buns. We had to highlight the things that would be good  instructions.



  • connectives

  • adjectives

  • adverbs

  • bossy verbs

  • sound effects

  • short sentenses

  • poescriptionbs

  • nouns

  • punctuation

  • bullet points

  • 1st

  • 2nd

  • 3rd

  • 4th

  • 5th

  • 6th

  • 7th

  • 8th

  • 9th .........and more

by suf

Today in class we learned about instructions. We had to highlight conectives, conjunctions and all of that stuff on a piece of paper. Unfortunatly we didn't have time to do maths. It was like instructions day but it wasn't thanks for that. Yesterday I did 3 instructions on the internet. It was called

from hamzah.h