Sunday 27 November 2011

ChillinG out on a chair

Yeh mr Ellis it's me Leon .I have an iPod so I did not post this message on computer .I'm on my safari . I posted this on Sunday so now or now if I'm at school if your reeding this I'm waching the cube. so hi and this is the first post if posted on my iPod .so see you later bye !!!!!

Wednesday 23 November 2011

the indus evidence

we have learnt something super today!!!

we were learning about the Indus valley again [ yay ]

here are some questions we were asked

  • why do you think so many seals show animals?
  • what do you think seals were used for?
and many more.

by maisie newman


the indus evidence

Today we were learning about the Indus valley again.
We were focusing on the evidence that remains in the Indus valley.

Our kind teacher Mr Ellis wrote some questions on the board - they were tricky but i managed to finish it.

Part of our work was to draw some seals and I drew four seals.

Once again from Maheen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

indus valley

We are doing some work on the Indus valley we had some questions that we answered they where a bit hard but we learnt allot of information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Keira Cockburn

indus valley

Hello its me Saira and I am very excited to tell you that we have been learning about the Indus valley and it is great it is also very complicated, it is very nice and very interesting to learn about, by SAIRA MAJID

indus valley

Indus Valley is great and very complicated by SAIRA

Thursday 17 November 2011

christmas play!

Hi again I'm back for more brilliant news!
These days key stage 2 are practicing 
the school play. Mersey vale do a play every 
year and this year were are doing snow white! 
Have you watched snow white, if you haven't 
well come and watch it at Mersey vale 
so why not come? 
I'll tell you what type of 
characters there are: there’s a bad-queen, a good-queen, a king, courtiers, cronies, boffins, 
dwarves and snow white and many other 

you can wacth part 1 here, on this website

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Part 1)

 By E.n

Wednesday 16 November 2011

What a day

 Today we have been having a great day at school on how to put link on the blog. So I decided that if you want to visit Mersey Vale's website click this

Indus valley technology and jobs

Unlike our modern bricks, the bricks that the Indus used were made by mixed soil with water and then they squashed the mud into a wooden mould and you turn it upside down like a sand castle and then they have to dry at a hot temperature. click here viewers

Indus Valley

We have been working on the Indus Valley for two weeks and the Indus Valley has been existing for about 3000 years. If you want to go on the website click this

we have been having fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We have been doing some interesting things about the Indus valley
click here to find out interesting things about the Indus valley

we have had a lot of fun doing the Indus Valley.

Keira Cockburn

Indus valley ...

Last week class five buried some items such as:

Books, newspapers, carrots, apples, toys, metal-spoons, plastic-forks and (hard) clay. It was really fun! We buried them so that we can find out what will happen to them if we leave them for a few weeks. Like people from the past buried things. Some scientists have found skeletons from the past!

You can check this website here called:
It's got games on it too!

I hope you enjoy our blog and remeber to check again because we will be back for more exciting news next week!!!

By E.N

What we did

Hi everyone,
During this half term we have been learning about the bracket method and grid method too.

In Literacy we have been learning about story writing,reporting clauses , and much more .

Keep on checking our amazing work.

bye, Hafsah and Maisie

all about the indus valley

In our Geography work we have been learning about the Indus valley.

Yesterday we were focusing on the city called Mohenjo Daro.

First in our we had to draw a map about Mohenjo Daro and then we had to draw a map about our house.
After that we had to compare what was the same things about the maps and what were the different things about the map.

Then we had to write some information about Mohenjo Daro.


Blog wonderful By Saira

Hello today I am going to tell you about what we have been doing! Sorry that we didn't post for ages it was because we were very busy. Anyway we have been learning about the Indus Valley! It is very very interesting learning about it ! By the amazing girl named Saira Majid! Oh and we have been learning more I cant tell you because I have no time sorry                                                                                                              

Our school website!

Hi guys, today we are going to put a link on our blog for you guys to see our school website. All you have to do is click this link which is down below. We hope you enjoy looking at our school website and we hope you play the games that are on there.

How to create a link

I am showing Year Five how to add a link to their blog...Click here to see some evidence from the Indus Valley

Isn't it easy!

Mr Ellis

Monday 7 November 2011

Year Six Blog Coming Soon...

Mr Aspinall and I have just been figuring out how to set up the Year Six blog.  Watch out for more news soon...

Saturday 5 November 2011

Festivals Week

This week in Year Five we have had a fantastic time  learning about the Muslim festival, Eid, which happens twice a year. We have been especially excited as one of the Eids, Eid-ul-Adha, is happening this coming Sunday.

On Tuesday morning we had a visit from Robina Akram who talked to us about Eid and helped us to make prayer mats.

One of the most important things about Eid-ul-adha for Muslims is giving to charity, and we decided that we wanted to try to help children in Pakistan who have lost their families and homes in the floods that have happened there in the last two years.
We worked in pairs to create and deliver powerpoint presentations to persuade people to sponsor us to read at home, which is how we hope to raise money in the next few weeks. Please sponsor us and help us to raise as much money as possible!

We have also been working in pairs on the laptops to write Eid poems this week. Some of us have written acrostic poems, some of us have written poems full of similes, and some of us have written poems using interesting rhymes and rhythms. One poem with a really steady rhythm was written by Aisha and Salma, and we had a go at using percussion instruments to turn it into a kind of Eid rap. We really enjoyed performing it in front of everybody in Friday's Festivals Week Assembly.

On Friday we ended our week of special activities with a party. Many of us wore our smartest clothes for school. This is what Muslims do on Eid, to go to mosque and get together with their family and friends to share food.

Thank you very much indeed to all the parents who brought in such delicious food for us to enjoy.What a feast!
We hope you have a happy, safe Bonfire Night this weekend, and a very happy Eid celebration.

Eid Mubarak!

Friday 4 November 2011

Eid Mubarak

hello my name is khizar. I am 10 years old.Its  Eid so Eid Mubarak to everyone and I hope you have, a good time.
I love Eid because its A big day to be with our famillies and friends, and give things to charity.
Thanks for listening
From khizar.