This week in Year Five we have had a fantastic time learning about the Muslim festival, Eid, which happens twice a year. We have been especially excited as one of the Eids, Eid-ul-Adha, is happening this coming Sunday.
On Tuesday morning we had a visit from Robina Akram who talked to us about Eid and helped us to make prayer mats.
One of the most important things about Eid-ul-adha for Muslims is giving to charity, and we decided that we wanted to try to help children in Pakistan who have lost their families and homes in the floods that have happened there in the last two years.
We worked in pairs to create and deliver powerpoint presentations to persuade people to sponsor us to read at home, which is how we hope to raise money in the next few weeks. Please sponsor us and help us to raise as much money as possible!
We have also been working in pairs on the laptops to write Eid poems this week. Some of us have written acrostic poems, some of us have written poems full of similes, and some of us have written poems using interesting rhymes and rhythms. One poem with a really steady rhythm was written by Aisha and Salma, and we had a go at using percussion instruments to turn it into a kind of Eid rap. We really enjoyed performing it in front of everybody in Friday's Festivals Week Assembly.
On Friday we ended our week of special activities with a party. Many of us wore our smartest clothes for school. This is what Muslims do on Eid, to go to mosque and get together with their family and friends to share food.
Thank you very much indeed to all the parents who brought in such delicious food for us to enjoy.What a feast!
We hope you have a happy, safe Bonfire Night this weekend, and a very happy Eid celebration.
Eid Mubarak!